Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Remember I told you I got fired from the advertising agency all because of a little mistake, how did I know pushing the round red button at the call box would put the bosses conversation on microphone and it was heard all over the office, well he shouldn't have been talking to his mistresses. Do you think I should have gotten the boot for such a small error, well I did. My motto: On to the next, something good out there is waiting for me, to the next adventure.

As I walked to my car I saw that Black Benz gliding through the parking lot it always seems to float by and time slows down, who is in that car and what mystery has come to our town. At that moment I heard someone calling my name I turned and saw Professor Mac Catter my old scientist teacher and private detective, he's kinda like a Mac Grover type detective. Hi Kitty how are you. It could be better I just got fired. Kitty this could be your lucky day I need an assistant.  Would you like the job, me work for you professor, OK professor, I always liked Professor Mac Catter, he's a little wacky in a smart way. Great come by my office tomorrow. What a day fired and hired in the same day  how can life get any better. It just got a little stranger as I was driving home and saw Hammy Pigletto my old boyfriend, we broke up 7 yrs ago not a word from him in 7 yrs. I just remember him telling me he had to get away, no reason why he just left. Wonder what he wants after all this time.

Hello Kitty how are you I am doing, fine Hammy, how are you. Well!!! Oh no there is that word, well, here it comes. I need a little help I've gotten myself into a bit of trouble, just than my cell phone rang, saved by the ring. Hello, yes Professor what's wrong, I need you over at my office right now, OK professor I will be right there. Hammy I have to talk to you later, wait Kitty I need, Hammy I have to go. I got out of that, wonder what he wanted. I will find out. Wonder if this has something to do with that Black Benz, Hammy was always a wild boy, why would I think such a thing that is crazy.

I arrived at the professors office the door was wide open, professor, professor are you there. I heard the back slam, professor, suddenly I heard a moan there was the professor lying on the floor. Professor what happened I don't know I was starting to read a letter that was slipped under my door  after that nothing. Do you know who left the letter, no the only thing I know it said I need your help, that is as far as I got, than the lights went out.

Wow, a mystery before I even get started. Professor you called me. oh yes I wanted you to start today by just doing some filing and getting the office in order for tomorrow, oh, OK. Strange!!, Couldn't that have waited till morning.

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