Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Remember I told you I got fired from the advertising agency all because of a little mistake, how did I know pushing the round red button at the call box would put the bosses conversation on microphone and it was heard all over the office, well he shouldn't have been talking to his mistresses. Do you think I should have gotten the boot for such a small error, well I did. My motto: On to the next, something good out there is waiting for me, to the next adventure.

As I walked to my car I saw that Black Benz gliding through the parking lot it always seems to float by and time slows down, who is in that car and what mystery has come to our town. At that moment I heard someone calling my name I turned and saw Professor Mac Catter my old scientist teacher and private detective, he's kinda like a Mac Grover type detective. Hi Kitty how are you. It could be better I just got fired. Kitty this could be your lucky day I need an assistant.  Would you like the job, me work for you professor, OK professor, I always liked Professor Mac Catter, he's a little wacky in a smart way. Great come by my office tomorrow. What a day fired and hired in the same day  how can life get any better. It just got a little stranger as I was driving home and saw Hammy Pigletto my old boyfriend, we broke up 7 yrs ago not a word from him in 7 yrs. I just remember him telling me he had to get away, no reason why he just left. Wonder what he wants after all this time.

Hello Kitty how are you I am doing, fine Hammy, how are you. Well!!! Oh no there is that word, well, here it comes. I need a little help I've gotten myself into a bit of trouble, just than my cell phone rang, saved by the ring. Hello, yes Professor what's wrong, I need you over at my office right now, OK professor I will be right there. Hammy I have to talk to you later, wait Kitty I need, Hammy I have to go. I got out of that, wonder what he wanted. I will find out. Wonder if this has something to do with that Black Benz, Hammy was always a wild boy, why would I think such a thing that is crazy.

I arrived at the professors office the door was wide open, professor, professor are you there. I heard the back slam, professor, suddenly I heard a moan there was the professor lying on the floor. Professor what happened I don't know I was starting to read a letter that was slipped under my door  after that nothing. Do you know who left the letter, no the only thing I know it said I need your help, that is as far as I got, than the lights went out.

Wow, a mystery before I even get started. Professor you called me. oh yes I wanted you to start today by just doing some filing and getting the office in order for tomorrow, oh, OK. Strange!!, Couldn't that have waited till morning.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

What Is It

Well here we are, sitting here thinking, what is Hammy up to and why is Tom speaking to him. Is there something going on, I think.. A knock at the door, Hammy, what do you want. I just wanted to speak with you. I need you to give me a little of your time.

You need to understand where I am coming from, I am a secret agent I had to tell you because I love you, I know we haven't talked in seven years but now is the the time to give you the truth. As he started to tell me the truth, I heard the door open, who was it. It was my friend Sandy with her black cat friend, he was a little freaky but he kept it all under control.

 I understand this case has your attention so it has my attention also, the case as a big trick it has a lot turns. I have been following Kreger George and he has a place up in the mountains, we need to follow him up there.

My nose is starting to move, something is a foot, we need to follow the trail, off we go into the woods.

As we got into my car and started driving my mind started to think of the past and what had happened. It was midnight as we reached the tip of the wooded forest, it looked very strange, like something was in the woods, waiting. We sat and thought, why are we doing this, than we started to driving into the woods.

As we started driving my mind went back to the past, the forest was dark, just as I started to think clear Hammy started talking, he said he was really sorry for the past he had no chose, he was taken to another country with no choose. I love you Kitty please think about it, but now we are on an adventure and we need clear heads.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Moving Closer To The END

This case gets stranger and stranger just as I was thinking that I just looked in the rear view window and a pair of lights were following me, I started doubling back and they did what I did now I know they were following me. I pulled over to the side and got ready for what was coming. I left my car from my secret door, I came up behind the driver of the other car I pushed my gun in the drivers face, I heard a familiar voice Kitty it’s me Hammy Pigletto, don’t shoot. I heard you had a case do you need help, Hammy I haven’t talked to you in seven years where have you been, not a word from you in seven years. Well I am back in town, Hammy what we had years ago is done. I’ve got to go Hammy.  You know Kitty when I want something I don’t give up. Hammy I am not the same person I was seven years ago.

Very strange all of a sudden Hammy shows up and wants to help with this case, hum!!!! Hammy was a bit of a bad boy at the time we dated I thought he was exciting but now. I must say Hammy is still cute. Something is a foot, my cat senses are on alert. I think I will play along with him and see how Hammy fits into this case, I know he does somehow.

As I got ready for bed my mind was saying this case is going to be tricky, and I was right the very next day I was driving past 10th street and guess who I saw Hammy and Lt. Tom Catwell, what is going on here. I really have to watch my back. As they parted I decided to follow Tom. My car changed color so Tom wouldn’t  know I’m following him.  

Tom made several non-happening stops until he came to Beacon street off the river, he walked into a run down  building I quickly followed him inside. He was meeting several men in black. Tom was in both places where people and letters have disappeared I was either knocked out or just plain out of it, strange.


Where Did The Body Go

Hello, can I speak to Lt. Tom Catwell, the voice on the other end said he isn’t available who’s calling, this is Kitty Cat Private Detective tell him to get down to 10th and Rail someone has been murdered. OK, don’t leave the scene of the crime, don’t worry I won’t. Seconds later I heard sirens coming closer than stopping, the voice I heard was Tom calling me, Kitty are you there, yes Tom, the body is right up here. Well where is it, it was right here just minutes before, where is it and what were you doing in this neighborhood, oh I was just taking a walk, come on Kitty come clean, it’s true Tom, I was out for a stroll. Kitty if I didn’t know you I would run you in. Max, take her statement and let her go. Hey, Kitty I’ll be watching you, I hope so Tom. Tom is a very good looking cat, meow.

I made my way over to the The Top Hat Dance Club, upon entering the club I took notice of a blue feather on the floor, I sat at a table and ordered a diet soda. Miss Patti Pigeon was doing her dance thing. Something told me she was the one I needed to speak to. I sent a note asking Miss Patti to have a soda drink, again my cat nose went into action it told me to go out back, just as I was going into the ally I say three big mice fighting with Miss Patti, I jumped right in we all went at it, punching screaming whirling and body slamming, of course they where no match for me. Just like mice they ran.

Miss Patti  do you know why they would want to kidnap you, I think it has something to do with this letter Blue Jay Bird gave me, let me see it,  just as I was going to read it my lights went out someone got me from behind. The next thing I knew Tom was holding me in his arms saying she will be ok. As I came to I said who hit me, we just found you here by yourself, where is the letter from Blue Jay Bird. Kitty what letter. The one Miss Patti gave me.  Kitty, no letter and no Miss Patti Pigeon is here. Help me up Tom.

More to come…stay tuned.

Kitty Cat Mysteries: What Happened To Blue Jay Bird

I'm in disguise MEOW..

Hello my name is Kitty Cat, feline private detective and super hero. Last night I got my first assignment, the voice on the phone said find Blue Jay Bird. Mrs. Bird received a ransom note demanding 25 bags of Gold KC seeds or Blue Jay Bird dies in a most ugly way. Mrs. Bird said she has no clue what Gold KC is. Help, I need help, save my husband Kitty Cat. Do you know where he was last seen, he said he had an appointment last night at some bar and grill on the lower west side.

Upon investigation I found Blue Jay Bird was last seen at The Bird Bar and Grill knocking back double blue berry martinis, the bartender said he seemed nerves he kept looking over his left shoulder, like he was expecting something to happen. My analytical mind went into over drive this dive is located in the worst part of town. Not the type a place you would think of finding  a successful accountant from across town hanging out in place with sleazy crocked characters.  Apparently this was not the first time Blue Jay was here.

As I entered the bar I took it all in, the bartender looked and smelled like he hadn’t bathed in a week, and the scent of the bar was like smelly wet socks.

I asked the bartender do you know Blue Jay Bird he said, who wants to know, Kitty Cat Private Detective. Maybe I do and maybe I don’t, what I get for telling you anything, how does $40.00 bucks grab ya, he took the bait! Blue Jay was here, what’s wrong, oh I just need to find him. Maybe he’s hanging out at the Top Hat Dance Club down the street.

One more thing, did he mention anything unusual; he just mentioned he was expecting a big pay off. Than his cell phone rang and out the door he went, that was the last time anyone saw him. Did you notice anything else, yes, he left me a big tip $15.00 bucks he never did that before he said don’t tell anyone he was here. Just as I walked out door on my way to the Top Hat Dance Club my cell phone rang, hello Kitty Cat here. The voice on the other end said I heard you’re lookin for Blue Jay Bird, I got some information meet me at 10th and
Rail Street at .  Hey, what’s your name, the phone went dead.

It was I got into my Midnight Blue SUV camouflage mobile office home and headed for 10th and Rail.

As I drive to 10th and Rail, wow what a creepy part of town old abandoned warehouses, an old graveyard with a slaughter house, my mind focused for a second on what the heck Gold KC seed could possibly be, it wasn’t bird seed.

For some reason my cat intuition sensed Blue Jay took a trip out of town recently, Mrs. Bird said she didn’t know where he went, something made me feel she wasn’t telling the true, my cat powers kicking in. You can’t  fool my cat nose, as I approached the ally I saw a glow in the distances and 5 figures gathered together, what an erie sight. My whole body went into cat combat striking mode. Moving towards the dim light, like a cobra ready to strike, closer and closer I moved. 

I could recognize one figure, wow; Blue Jay Bird, he was with 4 seedy mice, something told me Blue Jay was the ring leader and master mind for a gang of international thieves and black market kingpin. As I moved closer with lighting cat speed just as I was close enough to hear what was being said I fell over something on the ground, rats they heard me. What stopped me from getting those crooks, as I looked down I gazed at a female’s body, it was Mrs. Blue Jay Bird, dead, dead as a door nail. I didn’t have my cell phone it was back in the car.

The Mystery Starts

The Mystery Starts

Allow me to introduce myself I am Ms. Kitty Cat  detective and super hero and I'm for hire, I fight evil and I stand for justice honor and peace. Lets start from the beginning. I always knew I was different from my kitten hood always trying to figure out the puzzles that made people tick. I never played the games other little kitties played, I wanted to track down the guilty and the bullies. I also discovered something very special about me which I never shared with a living soul  not even my mother and dad.

Make no mistake I can take you dirty guys down with one bounce.

I fight for Justice, Honor, Truth, Respect, Loyalty, Mighty Kitty Cat Justice don't mess with me buster. Kitty Cat Feline Detective For Hire.

It was a stormy night I was in my SUV patrolling the neighborhood when the phone rang it was a strange ring with my kitty powers I knew this was going to be a very strange case, actually it was going to be my first case. On the line was Mrs. Blue Jay Bird screaming my husband is missing help. Calm down Mrs Bird tell me what has happened. And so it begins.